Memory and Mythology: Modern War and the Construction of Historical Memory , 1775 - 2000


Starostina, Natalia; Editor


Ph.D, D/History, Young Harris College

The volume provides a rare opportunity to launch a dialogue among historians working on the theme by examining different societies and chronological periods. It is often a case that the studies of the construction of memory of wars are geographically bound to specific countries. Such a focus narrows a historical inquiry to the experience of a single nation or a region and hinders a dialogue among historians. For instance, after the publication of seminal works by Paul Fussell and J.M.Winter, the construction of the memory of the Great War in Great Britain attracts a significant amount of scholarly attention. To launch a dialogue among historians working on the theme, this collection of essays analyzes the practices of war remembrance in France, the United States, Russia, and Germany. The essays investigate the complex dynamics of remembering the First the Second World Wars, the American Civil War and the Cold War; and ways how such wars affected social and political identity. The essays produce a fruitful exchange among scholars and allow to cross-examine the central issues in the studies of the construction of memory, i.e., the relationship between mythology and memory, the reminiscences of empires and wars, gender, and the importance of artifacts in commemorating wars.


1. “Introduction” by Natalia Starostina.

2. “Ottoman Prisoners of War in the Kharkiv Region and the Valki Incident”

Mehmet Furat, University of Istanbul (Turkey)

3.” Century of Remembrances: The Patriotic War of 1812 in Russian Society’s Cultural Memory in the 19th – Early 20th Centuries”

Tatiana Saburova, Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Indiana University, and Omsk State Pedagogical University (Russia)

4. “Indian Spies in Appalachia During the American Revolutionary War”

Charles H. Wilson III , North Georgia College and State University, Dahlonega, GA

5. “The Misrepresentation of the Memory of General Ulysses S. Grant during the American Civil War”

Richard Mannion, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA

6. “The Role of Revivalism in Confederate Camps”

J.M. Mize, North Georgia College and State University, Dahlonega, GA

7. “Tortured Benevolence: The Philippine-American War, 1898-1902”

Stephen Huggins, University of Georgia, Athens, GA

8. “Analyzing the Morocco Crisis: Did Germany Plan for War before 1914?”

Connie Wallace, Young Harris College

9. “Angels of Death: Russian Women in Combat during the Great War”

Megan Gribble, Young Harris College

10. “The Struggle and Martyrdom of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German Theologian and Scholar”

Adam Neal, Young Harris College

11. “The Defining Narrative: How an Interpretation of War Redefined German Superiority and Encouraged Eugenics During WWI”

Lauren Neal, Independent Scholar

12. “The Memories of Defeat: Defending Japan during the Second World War”

Walter Todd, University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA

13. “The Holocaust on Stage: Theatrical Metaphors in Contemporary German Memorials and the Role of the Public”

Pnina Rosenberg, Technion University (Israel)

14. “Symbolism and the Memory of Vietnam: The War Powers Resolution of 1973”

Michael Huddleson, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA

15. “Cold War Rhetoric and the Formation of the Presbyterian Church in America”

Frank Smith, North Georgia College and State University, Dahlonega, GA

16. “On Nostalgia and Memory in Remembering Wars in Modern Europe”

Natalia Starostina, Young Harris College

17. ”The War on Drugs: The Repercussions of Violently Framing Public Discourse”

David Gibson, Kennesaw State University


1) “Memories of a French girl in German Occupied France”

Mark Brunner, Young Harris College

2) “Remembering the Soviet Union after the Second World War”

Georgiy Filyushkin

War/Warfare/Military History; War and Memory; Modern Europe and War 1775 - 2000, Occupation (France); World War 1, World War II, Turkish-Russian Conflicts, Soviet War Memory, Japan at war, American Civil War, Military Nostalgia, Memorials, War and Holocaust as theatre and as personal drama.
Release Date: 
July 14th, 2013
Cloth: 978-1-936320-67-7
Trim Size: 
6 x 9

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