Lake Trail Fiction
A lifetime resident of Palm Beach, prize-winning journalist Juliette de Marcellus has created this satirical novel with a witty and insightful view of high society and the once-celebrated international set. Aiding her relentless gaze is her own background: her father a French count and anthropologist, her mother from an English family of writers and politicians. Her lifelong long familiarity with the celebrity world in New York, Paris, London, and Palm Beach gives her work a revealing quality of reality, spiced with the world’s absurdities and pretentions.
When Texas oilman Sidney B. Schlatz finds that he cannot launch his plain daughter into the higher echelons of New York’s debutante scene, he decides to go over the heads of the doyennes of American Society and give a lavish international ball in Paris. The pitfalls there are as varied as they are unexpected, as his ambitions encounter a cross-section of European society as difficult as any he met in New York. With hilarious consequences, his plan for the “I Love Paris Ball” combines characters from cultures totally incomprehensible to each other. Among them are would-be movie star Tina, Hollywood producer Sam Kraznik, a royal prince, high-life seeker Clarky Finch III, a financially embarrassed duke fleeing the tax man, smooth art dealers, a certain British rock band, a questionable arms dealer, a charming heroine, the eccentric denizens of a village in Normandy, and the destiny-changing presence of a little white dog.
1727 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 507
Washington, DC 20036