Ph.D, Social Anthropology, University of Wales, Trinity St David (UK), D/Anthropology, University of Minnesota
Commendatory Preface: Professor Victor H. Mair, University of Pennsylvania
From Birth to Death is a scholarly monograph based on years of field work in Mongolia as well as original research in Asia, Europe and North America. It is an original and detailed ethnography of tea practices, female power and gendered meaning in Mongolia. It is also a welcome addition to the field by an African scholar of distinction who is one of the few Black African researchers in Central Asia.
Mongolian Studies, Social Anthropology—Asia, Ethnography, Feminism, Gender roles and meaning, Cultural Systems, Patriarchy and Gender, Womens Studies, tea ceremonies--Asia, Food Studies, Female power structures, Family structure and identity, Buddhism, Religion
Release Date:
February 10th, 2016
Cloth: 978-1-68053-013-1
1727 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 507
Washington, DC 20036