Ph.D, Fanshawe College,Canada
ART MATTERS is a clear and comprehensive overview of art criticism as it relates to both the value of art and the aesthetics of art. The author offers a new perspective on how science, philosophy and art overlap each other, the author argues that art can give us knowledge of our world and our place in it the same way that science or philosophy do (per se Deleuze or Kristeva). Koenig extents his discussion to incorporate both fiction and music into the notional forms of classical visual art in a dramatic and unexpected way.
Professor Koenig has provided a study of aesthetics for which both theorists and practitioners have been waiting. For several decades there has been growing disenchantment with the dominant “emotive” understanding of the experience of art---that such experiences release certain uniquely satisfying feelings within us. But Koenig argues with considerable erudition and insight that to what we always knew---that art was a unique , and deeply significant way of knowing the natural and the human world. His introductions to the different dimensions of this perspective offer penetrating analyses of the foundational issues and his selections from classical and contemporary sources are remarkably apt ones.
“Koenig’s impressive book reminds us of the eternal importance of the essential act of human creation.” Richard Moule, CBC
“Art Matters: Knowledge of Art/Art of Knowledge, Bernie Koenig has provided a book on aesthetics for which both theorists and practitioners of art have been waiting. For several decades there has been disenchantment with the dominant “emotive” understanding of the experience of art—that such encounters release certain satisfying experiences within us. But Koenig has returned us with considerable erudition and insight to what we all knew: art is a deeply significant way of knowing the natural and human world.”
Professor Bernard Hodgson, D/Philosophy,Trent University